Happy One Year!

It's been a whole year since I first started this blog and it's been amazing! From challenging myself to write more and to write in different ways, styles, and to put myself out there as an author to meeting so many supportive and lovely readers like you -- I really feel like I've grown a lot and gained so much from this experience!

My journey to become a published writer has not been an easy one -- as I am sure is the case with most. I battled a lot with my own insecurities and fears -- especially the fear of rejection -- as I had my short stories published, I pushed myself to work harder, to go for bigger goals. Of course, I am still struggling to grow. my next big goal is to publish a novel and -- oh, dear -- what an absolute struggle that has been.

Of course, a big motivator is you, my dear reader. Seeing my number of followers grow (over 100 now, wow, thank you everyone!) and seeing your comments/reviews drives me to write more and more. You'll never know how much it means to me but I hope you know, I truly and deeply appreciate your support!

Now, it's been a while, so how about a micro-fiction to celebrate? 

One Year Anniversary

She reached up to grab his hand. He tried to pull away, but she held him tight. On this day, on the anniversary of their wedding, she had to make him understand that she truly did still love him. Despite everything, she wouldn't let him leave. He screamed at her, struck her hand, but she held tight. He tried to stand, to pull away. He crushed the white carnations he’d brought under his feet. She sobbed as he yanked her forward. The dirt fell from her bones, her rotting dress ripped, her dry joints creaked, but still she held on.


Horrorhound - 2018 - Friday


When Life Gets Crazy