Crushing Snails: Novel Review
The end was a slowly tightening noose, a part of me wished Winnie would fight against it, the majority of me accepted this slow sinking into darkness along with her.

Spooky Challenge 2024 — Day 7
Day 7’s prompt: “An incompetent serial killer is menacing a small town, but for some reason (sheer luck) he is never caught. What finally gets him caught?” — J.W. Donley

Spooky Challenge 2024 — Day 6
Day 6’s prompt: “A gothic horror kaiju story.” – Carson Winter

Spooky Challenge 2024 — Day 5
Day 5’s prompt: “When I found the dead man in the abandoned bowling alley, he was wearing shoes two sizes too big, and there was a rattling wheeze coming from behind the pins at the end of the lane.” – TJ Price

Spooky Challenge 2024 — Day 4
Day 4’s prompt: “One day, Justina’s period starts exactly when it’s supposed to, but blood isn’t the only things she’s menstruating out of her body…” – L Walter

Spooky Challenge 2024 — Day 3
Day 3’s prompt:
“The runner’s high brings euphoria and a sense of freedom. But one night, that feeling leads down a deadly path of destruction – leaving the runner with no memory of what they’ve done or why.” – Chris Anderson

Spooky Challenge 2024 - Day 2
Day 2’s prompt: A rope on the sidewalk starts killing people.

Spooky Challenge 2024 - Day 1
Writing Challenge Day 1 - “Backwards Biology – a woman finds her bodily functions go backwards. Blood enters her uterus every month. She vomits up food and had to unpass a kidney stone. Fun!” – submitted by Nina Miller

Dead Space: Novel Review
Wallace is the queen of misdirection. This is my favourite read this year, by far! I would 100% recommend it, whether you’re a space horror fan or not.

Ghost Station: Novel Review
GHOST STATION is a slow burn, really playing up the feeling of loneliness and isolation. Barnes takes her time building up the atmosphere and the immediate distrust the crew already has of the main character.

An English Haunting: Game Review
A cozy point and click adventure/horror game! Just what you need for a spooky night in!

Long Time No See!
I AM BACK, BB! I’ve missed you (say it back!) Come see what I’ve been up to!

Frost Bite: Novel Review
I could picture this book perfectly in my mind as a neon-coloured, bubblegum-flavoured, skin-bitingly chilly movie that never let go.

Writing Challenge Day 7
Day 6’s prompt is: Someone is celebrating Halloween alone... in space! On a space station overlooking Earth (or Earthlike planet), or perhaps a colony ship where everyone else is in cryo-sleep. Then they begin to see/hear things. Something tragic from their past? Or something more overtly scary and pulpy? You decide!

Writing Challenge Day 6
Day 6’s prompt is: Cemetery where the earth rejects the corpses, leading to a night grounds crew who has to violently assist the wayward corpses back into their graves.

Writing Challenge Day 5
Day 5’s prompt is: A couple is driving on the freeway when all traffic abruptly stops causing several accidents. Beings with glowing wings descend from the sky.

Writing Challenge Day 4
Day 4’s prompt is: For the past few years, Claudette's estranged mother Lydia has become a recluse, a shut-in. When Lydia disappears suddenly, she is assumed dead, and it is up to Claudette to come and deal with her mother's earthly belongings and ready the old house for sale. But why is it that no matter where Claudette goes in the house, she feels like she's being observed—and why is it that whenever she turns around to catch the watcher, she finds that there's yet another mirror in yet another strange place?

Writing Challenge Day 3
Day 3’s prompt is: On a no-specified day, you wake up and go about your day as usual. However, when you open the front door you find a long apartmentesque hallway stretching in either direction. Inside your apartment, the world outside looks normal, yet inside you find yourself trapped. With each new room explored, you feel as though the apartment is getting smaller, and what was once mere whispering voices are growing louder and louder. Is there a way out?