Dead Space: Novel Review
Wallace is the queen of misdirection. This is my favourite read this year, by far! I would 100% recommend it, whether you’re a space horror fan or not.

Ghost Station: Novel Review
GHOST STATION is a slow burn, really playing up the feeling of loneliness and isolation. Barnes takes her time building up the atmosphere and the immediate distrust the crew already has of the main character.

Frost Bite: Novel Review
I could picture this book perfectly in my mind as a neon-coloured, bubblegum-flavoured, skin-bitingly chilly movie that never let go.

Posthaste Manor: Novel Review
Posthaste Manor was a wild, beautifully bizarre book. It was like touring the house myself, with a dark and mysterious guide, learning its secrets and shivering.

Edenville: Novel Review
With deliciously balanced parts of horror and humour, I couldn’t put it down and loved drowning in the vibrant lore Rebelein built around Edenville and its inhabitants.

Pre-Approved for Haunting: Collection Review
Barb puts a lot of care in every tale, in the table of contents order, and themes throughout creating a delicious shivery read for the coming spooky season.

The Last Astronaut: Book Review
Wellington’s prose is very direct and compelling, his characters are diverse, his scenes cinematic, and the horror within the alien object? Well, I won’t spoil anything. I will say that the suspense/horror ramp up at light-speed, culminating in an deliciously insane ending.

House of Rot: Novella Review
If you’re a fan of the weird, grotesque things happening to people just trying to get by — House of Rot is for you. If you’re a fan of Junji Ito, this book is for you.
Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic Book Launch
If you missed out on the live event I hosted for the Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic book launch, don’t worry! You can watch it here!

Collage Macabre: Anthology Review
Collage Macabre is a literary gallery of tales written by talented authors whose brushes drip with the most vivid hues of alizarin weird, cadmium despair, titanium tragedy, and cerulean terror. Horror aesthetes should not hesitate to procure a copy of this beautifully decadent anthology of artistic horror.

The White Horse: Book Review
Harrison builds the suspense slowly, through the hostility of the manor’s residents, to the strange local traditions, and strange sightings and sounds — all this leading up to a wild and satisfying end.

The Disappearance of Tom Nero: Book Review
Rich in eerie suspense and found footage glory, The Disappearance of Tom Nero is an addicting mysterious wrapped in one-of-a-kind formatting.

Extinction Hymns: Collection Review
Every single story was unique and dripped with suspense and horror. I honestly couldn’t put it down and read it all in one sitting!

Every Woman Knows This: Collection Review
Absolutely stunning collection and I cannot recommend this book enough. Definitely buy and read it. Every story was a banger.

Linghun: Book Review
As a more literary tale, this novel doesn’t have horror in the traditional sense, instead it explores the horror of human failings and emotions.

Six Rooms: Book Review
Six Rooms is a buffet of secrets and it’s all you can eat. And I was there for it.

Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic: Anthology Review
Powerful and poignant, Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic resonates with brutal imagery, themes, and characters. Packed with 26 gut-wrenching tales brimming with blood, tears, and screams—this is one anthology you’ll need smelling salts for.

Agony’s Lodestone: Book Review
Fans of found footage, weird fiction, and cosmic horror: Agony’s Lodestone is the book for you! As for me, I absolutely loved this book.

Soft Targets: Novella Review
Authentic, horrifying, and tragic — Soft Targets exposes the horror that might be lurking just underneath the polished surface of society.