Horrorhound - 2018 - Saturday

Heartbreak, everyone, heartbreak!

I couldn't get a queue ticket for an autograph from Robert Englund. I have another chance tomorrow, so keep your finger bones crossed, ghosts and ghouls!

I did get to see more awesome indie films such as Don't Hike Alone, which was a Friday the 13th "fanfic" film and extremely well done!

Also saw more amazing cosplays:

Hopefully tomorrow I see the real thing tomorrow! Also this amazing Bloodborne costume:

Please note the photobomb vendor in the background.

This Pennywise was super spooky:

Not truly horror related but still, this guy was a gentleman:

One key thing I love about this convention are the vendor booths! You get to see such talented artists and unique creations:

I love it!

Call out to Eerily Beloved for reasonably priced taxidermy art!!

Can't wait until tomorrow and wish me luck that I manage to secure a time to get a signature from Robert Englund!!

x P.L. McMillan


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Horrorhound - 2018 - Friday