Falling: Fiction

Hi everyone!Just want to remind everyone again that you still have time to vote for what you want to be featured in the short fiction piece I'll be writing this weekend! Don't wait! Vote now!

You voted? Good and welcome back!I wanted to let you all know that you can now read my short fiction "Falling" in issue 44 of The Sirens Call eZine. Just click here! 

Best of all, it's completely free to read! Just go to page 58 to get to "Falling."

"Falling" is a story about two sisters, one of which is suffering some a mysterious illness. The other sister doesn't take it seriously at all, not until it's too late of course...

Originally published in Sanitarium Magazine in 2015, and now republished in The Sirens Call, this is one story that is sure to send shivers down your spine.

x P.L. McMillan


That Which The Ocean Gives and Takes Away: Short Fiction


Voting Time: 5/6's Fiction Piece