GingerNuts of Horror reviewed my story: "Left Behind"!

Wow, just wow! I can't think of a better way to end my Thursday night than finding out GingerNuts of Horror reviewed Terror at 5280' and absolutely loved my story.

Check it out:

Left Behind by P.L.McMillan

This short was hands down my favorite story in the horror anthology. Two couples were ghost hunting, which Claire was the only believer in the group. They were at a house rumored to be haunted by a violent man who had killed his wife and kids. Load and behold, they encountered a ghost, and he held nothing back. Damn, I felt awful for Claire. This story was CREEPY, and I was along for the ride. I could picture everything vividly like a movie on the Chiller channel. - GingerNuts for Horror site

Thank you Yawatta Hosby, for such an amazing review!

x P.L. McMillan


Advanced Review of my cryptid tale: "Mrs. Rumtifusel's Fur Coat"


Publication: Mrs. Rumtifusel's Fur Coat