Let's Play Catch-Up


I know it's been a while since I posted -- if I was counting correctly, I missed the last THREE Mondays for posts. I thought I should write a catch-up post to fill you, my lovely reader, in on what you've missed.

I previously mentioned a live storytelling event I was participating in, which was last Sunday. It was a really fun event, so thank you for everyone who showed up to watch! I won't lie though, it was nerve-wracking just because I have never done improv storytelling before. I think it turned out well though, both teams were awesome.

For those of you who didn't go, the event consisted of two teams of four authors. Each team received a prompt, then each team member took turns adding to the story.

So not only was it improv, but you also had to incorporate the details the other authors added, while trying to keep the story consistent and interesting.

Again, fun, but nerve-wracking!

Besides that, what else have I been up to?

I won't lie, my writing has been on a bit of pause. I've been struggling with inspiration, motivation, whatever other -tions I've been missing.

It's really tough being in that situation. On one hand, I always feel like I shouldn't force myself to write, on the other hand, I worry that if I don't force myself to keep writing, I'll never write again.

Right now I am working on a novella, I'm actually on the cusp of writing the ending! Unfortunately, I think that sometimes I can overload my plate and burn myself out. Then, suddenly, I have no energy to blog, to write, to draw, or edit.

One question I often hear is "how do you get yourself out of a writer's block"? I'm not sure I have a concrete answer for that. I know I feel more inclined to write when I don't have other things on my plate. Sometimes I bribe myself, like today (iced coffee and pumpkin bread is my current self-bribe of choice), or sometimes I set a very small, easily achievable goal (200 words a day) in order to get back into the flow of things.

I feel like my greatest weakness is that I overbook myself which stresses me out, and every time that happens, I promise myself to be more aware and not to do it... and I always end up doing it again anyway. When will I learn?

Well, fingers crossed I'm out of my funk now!

Other than that, I've been reading, playing a lot of video games, and also designing art.

Oh! before I forget -- the Denver Horror Collective had Terror at 5280' produced into an audio book, which is releasing this Halloween. If you haven't gotten a copy yet, because you prefer audio books over regular books, now's your chance!

CPR also recently released a segment on the anthology, which you can listen to here.

The anthology Sick Cruising is now available, which features my short fiction "A Memory in Perylene Red". All the stories in this anthology are connected by a central theme, location, and collection of characters. My short fiction is about a painter who tries to escape her guilt by boarding The Almighty, a yacht filled with the rich and influential. But the distance doesn't help the haunting occurrences that surround her as she tries to make sense of the painting that slowly takes form in her cabin.

Last but not least, my spooky tale: "The Phone Call", was produced by The NoSleep podcast and included in episode 8 of season 15. You can listen to it for free here. It's pretty spooky!

With Hallowe'en on Saturday, don't forget that you have access to all my free-to-read stories HERE, as well as my published stories and podcast episodes HERE.

Have a wonderful, happy, spooky Hallowe'en, my lovely reader.

x P.L. McMillan


The Ghost Quartet: Book Review


All Hallows Eve Event