The Space Between - A Cosmic Horror

Breaking news everyone -- I've had another short story published.

It's a cosmic horror and will be published in the 6th issue of Hinnom Magazine. More importantly: is it is up for pre-order currently, which means you can line up your copy! Just click here!

Why does it matter? Well, Hinnom Magazine is an awesome indie publisher of all things horror, and it features a lot of cosmic horror, which is amazing. You can check out the original press release here. 

Just take a look at the utterly eerie and stunning cover art (created by the talented Vincent Van Hoof) for this issue:

Secondly, my short story, "The Space Between," is sure to give you chills and thrills and maybe some (therapy) bills!

Get pulled into a dark future where the overpopulated Earth is desperate for a solution to their overcrowding. A strange phenomenon is discovered - a space between spaces. An anomaly where an invisible plot of land is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. The Space. Could this be Earth's salvation? Or is the twilit, misty land inside the Space hiding something else entirely?

Also, take note of the featured image of this post.

That's the unique art created by David Dawkins for "The Space Between" specifically!So, get your pre-orders now, support some wonderful writers, and leave some reviews if you're inclined. I, personally, would love to know what you think of "The Space Between."

Don't forget, the pre-order link can be found here!

x P.L. McMillan


1.3 The Reflected Forest – The Curse


1.2 The Reflected Forest - The Journal