Collage Macabre: Anthology Review
Collage Macabre is a literary gallery of tales written by talented authors whose brushes drip with the most vivid hues of alizarin weird, cadmium despair, titanium tragedy, and cerulean terror. Horror aesthetes should not hesitate to procure a copy of this beautifully decadent anthology of artistic horror.

Agony’s Lodestone: Book Review
Fans of found footage, weird fiction, and cosmic horror: Agony’s Lodestone is the book for you! As for me, I absolutely loved this book.

Sisters of the Crimson Vine - Blessed
Grab a limited edition blessed Sisters of the Crimson Vine while you can!

Sneak Peek!
For this very special spooky day, I present to you a little sneak peek of my coming debut novella, Sisters of the Crimson Vine.

The Deep House: Movie Review
The Deep House was deliciously claustrophobic since it was filmed almost entirely underwater. I felt so tense watching it! The setting, the style of filming, it was perfect.

Split Scream Vol 1: Book Review
Split Scream Volume 1 is a double feature of novelettes is a powerhouse duo of dark tales of masterful prose, delicious world-building, and authentic horror.
HUGE NEWS! Get ready to panic!
My debut novella, SISTERS OF THE CRIMSON VINE, has been picked up and will be published by Timber Ghost Press!

I Won’t Stop Talking About It
“In WHAT REMAINS WHEN THE STARS BURN OUT, McMillan imagines the horrors lying in the cracks of the world, between stars, and those clutching at the human heart.” - John Hornor Jacobs

Poe Is Here To Say…
Signed copies are available for preorder!! Come get yours locked down!

Check Out What People Are Saying About My Collection!
Check out two blurbs about the upcoming collection from none other than Hailey Piper (author of Queen of Teeth) and Caleb Stephens (author of Wallpaper Man).
And don’t forget your pre-orders!

What Remains When The Stars Burn Out: Pre-Order
My debut collection, What Remains When The Stars Burn Out is available for ebook pre-order right now! Twelve stories, twelve original illustrations, and a whole lotta scares!

My Debut Collection is Coming!
It. Is. Coming.
My debut collection, WHAT REMAINS WHEN THE STARS BURN OUT, is coming out on March 31st!!

The Whale Hunts is Now Available in Audio Form!
The Whale Hunts is now available in audio form! Listen at your own risk!

I Survived the Storytelling Collective's November Workshop!
Whew! That was a busy month for me in November. I mentioned in a previous post that I was participating in the November Write Your First Adventure workshop being run by the Storytelling Collective so I wanted to talk about my experience with the workshop and how I feel about my finished product.

What's Going On In The Life of PLM
You may have noticed that I have been a bit absent here after my writing challenge. The main reason was to recharge, but I have also been really busy with other projects. Check out my blog for more details!

The Ritual: Book Review
This book was an odd one for me, not in a bad way though. The first half of the book starts off a wilderness horror, the four friends fight against the elements, then something that seems to be hunting them in the woods. Then the second half becomes cosmic horror.

The Empty Man: Movie Review
This movie held me tight up until the last quarter. Then the ending disappointed me. I felt like it left me with a lot of questions and not in the haunting way a good movie can leave a viewer with, but in a "oh, this just left a lot of confusing loose ends" kind of way.

What Lies Below: Movie Review
Now on Netflix, What Lies Below is a bizarre sci-fi horror film. It's definitely a good bad movie. Read this review to find out more.