Glowing Review - The Space Between

Nothing warms the dark cockles of my heart like a glowing review of one of my stories and that happened just over this weekend -- thank you, Tom Scanlan for the wonderful call-out in your review of Hinnom Magazine Issue 006! You can read his full review here.

I've gone ahead and included the section of the review pertaining to my story:

The standout story, in my opinion, is "The Space Between" by P. L. McMillan. When I personally think of the sub-genre within horror, Cosmic Horror, I think of Lovecraft's novella At the Mountains of Madness. That brilliant work, in my view, encapsulates the sub-genre. McMillan, and her conception of the Space--a strange realm, the portal to which is found by 6 x 8 x 8 cube here on Earth--satisfied my itch for cosmic terror better than I could've ever hoped for. McMillan delivers her narrative in the form of a series of chilling log entries, packaging the frights and ideas in old-school sci-fi wrapping paper. I'm thrilled to have discovered a writer like P.L. McMillan, and look forward to following her career.

Awe, shucks, thanks Tom! 

x P.L. McMillan


P.L. McMillan & Horrorhound 2018


The Reflected Forest - Some Thoughts