Interview with Brenda S. Tolian

As promised, here is my interview with Brenda S. Tolian!

In this interview we discussed her collection, Blood Mountain (my review is here) as well as some heavier topics such as the female body in horror. Content warnings include rape, abortion, and sexual assault. Honestly, it was a riveting interview. Brenda is really passionate about exploring the feminine voice through horror writing and I came away feeling like I’d learned a lot!

Also: I totally looked up how to set Zoom so it was in “panel” mode meaning Brenda’s and my videos were next to each other as we talked — however, Zoom still recorded it one person at a time. Ugh! Bear with me, I am still learning.

P.L. McMillan

To P.L. McMillan, every shadow is an entry way to a deeper look into the black heart of the world and every night she rides with the mocking and friendly ghouls on the night-wind, bringing back dark stories to share with those brave enough to read them.

Barbarian: Movie Review


Blood Mountain: Collection Review