Interview: Posthaste Manor
Today on PLM Talks, I chat with Jolie Toomajan and Carson Winter about their cowritten haunted house book Posthaste Manor — out October 18th.
Interview: Rebecca Harrison
Today on PLM Talks, I chat with Rebecca Harrison about her writing process, inspirations, and her novella, The White Horse.
Interview: TJ Price
Today I chat with TJ Price about the joys and struggles of writing ,as well as his upcoming novella: THE DISAPPEARANCE OF TOM NERO.
Interview: Eric Raglin
Today I chat with Eric Raglin about his life as a writer, and editor, and a guy who likes owls. We also chat about his collection, Extinction Hymns. He frequently writes about queer issues, the terrors of capitalism, and body horror. His work has been published in Novel Noctule, Fever Dream, and Shiver: A Chilling Horror Anthology.
Interview: Jolie Toomajan
This interview is spoiler-free for the upcoming horror anthology: Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic coming out May 21, 2023. Today I chat with editor, Jolie Toomajan, about the writing craft (hint, she is a monster that uses her phone to dictate drafts!?), editing experience, and about the anthology itself.
Interview: Laura Keating
Today I chat with a fellow Canadian horror author, Laura Keating, about her upcoming debut novella: AGONY'S LODESTONE. Fans of found footage, weird fiction, and cosmic horror: AGONY'S LODESTONE is the book for you! As for me, I absolutely loved this book.
Interview: Carson Winter
Today I chat with Carson Winter about his upcoming novella, Soft Targets, coming out from Tenebrous Press on March 22nd. Along with talking about his upcoming book, we also discuss writing crafts, inspirations, and more!
Interview: Split Scream Vol 2
Today I chat with Dread Stone Press founder, Alex Ebenstein, and authors, Cynthia Gomez & M. Lopes Da Silva about the novelette double feature: SPLIT SCREAM VOL 2.
Interview: Kristin Holland
Today I chat with the one and only Kristin Holland, host of the Nocturnal Transmissions podcast! We talk about what podcasting is like and Kristin's love of horror.

Interview: Caleb Stephens
I interview author Caleb Stephens about his horror collection, If Only a Heart, as well as the difficulties of balancing family, work, and writing!

Interview: Split Scream Panel
Here is the panel interview I did with Alex Ebenstein, Carson Winter, and Scott J. Moses. In this interview, we chat about writing, the horror industry, the publishing side of things, and Dread Stone Press’s upcoming double feature, Split Scream Volume 1, coming out September 27, 2022 and available for pre-order now!

Interview: Heather Ventura
Today I interview Heather Ventura about the publishing side of the writing industry, her experience as an entrepreneur, and the ups and downs of running a family business!

Interview with Brenda S. Tolian
Today I interview Brenda S. Tolian about her collection, BLOOD MOUNTAIN, as well as some heavy topics such as the female body in horror. CW: rape, sexual assault, abortion

Interview with Elin Olausson
I have something special for you today, dearesr reader: an interview with Elin Olausson — the author of the collection, Growth, which I reviewed here.
Today, Elin and I will be discussing her collection and writing.

Interview with Philip Fracassi
Today I interview Philip Fracassi about his upcoming book, Gothic, about writing, and about the horror industry in general.
Interview with Christi Nogle
An interview with Christi Nogle about her debut novel, Beulah. Check it out!