Party With Me This Saturday!
Event P.L. McMillan Event P.L. McMillan

Party With Me This Saturday!

Come hang out with for a free virtual launch party this Saturday! I’ll be hosting and it’ll be a lot of fun! There’ll be giveaways, readings, and more!

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Reserve Your Spot! Live Reading Event - Nov 19th
Writing, Personal P.L. McMillan Writing, Personal P.L. McMillan

Reserve Your Spot! Live Reading Event - Nov 19th

Spooky scary! Join us for an evening of the macabre and menacing, the horrifying and the horrible!

This free 90 minute event will feature four horror authors reading short snippets from their recent releases + a Q&A session. There will also be four giveaways -- you'll have a chance to win a signed copy of the books read during the event.

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