Spooky Challenge 2024 - Day 1
Writing Challenge Day 1 - “Backwards Biology – a woman finds her bodily functions go backwards. Blood enters her uterus every month. She vomits up food and had to unpass a kidney stone. Fun!” – submitted by Nina Miller

Dead Space: Novel Review
Wallace is the queen of misdirection. This is my favourite read this year, by far! I would 100% recommend it, whether you’re a space horror fan or not.

Ghost Station: Novel Review
GHOST STATION is a slow burn, really playing up the feeling of loneliness and isolation. Barnes takes her time building up the atmosphere and the immediate distrust the crew already has of the main character.

Writing Challenge Day 7
Day 6’s prompt is: Someone is celebrating Halloween alone... in space! On a space station overlooking Earth (or Earthlike planet), or perhaps a colony ship where everyone else is in cryo-sleep. Then they begin to see/hear things. Something tragic from their past? Or something more overtly scary and pulpy? You decide!

The Last Astronaut: Book Review
Wellington’s prose is very direct and compelling, his characters are diverse, his scenes cinematic, and the horror within the alien object? Well, I won’t spoil anything. I will say that the suspense/horror ramp up at light-speed, culminating in an deliciously insane ending.

Space Horror Antho News
A dream come true! My first solo editing opportunity and horror that writhes beyond the stars! Read to find out more about the space horror antho: THE DARKNESS BEYOND THE STARS

Your Mind Is A Terrible Thing: Novella Review
Dealing with themes of isolation, anxiety, and self-doubt, Your Mind Is A Terrible Thing explores what it means to be human, what it means to be one’s authentic self despite flaws and hurt. It’s beautiful. It’s brutal. It doesn’t let go and the ending leaves you with a bittersweet mix of hope and despair.

WIP - A Cosmic Space Horror
It's been a hot second since I've posted anything but I promise I have good reason...